A walk on South Plaza
One of twins, this island is home to many sea lion
Information about A walk on South Plaza
Whilst her twin, North Plaza, is closed to visitors, South Plaza is one of the best visitor sites in the Galápagos thanks to the large number of species present on her small area.
The Plazas were formed as the result of a geological uplift, and because this was uneven they both have cliffs on their south sides and low lying shores on their northern coasts.
The most noticeable (and noisiest) of South Plaza's residents are her Galápagos Sea Lions, who have a large colony here. Less obvious are her land iguanas (the smallest in the islands), many marine iguanas and large numbers and varieties of seabirds.
Inland is a mix of scrubby vegetation and giant opuntia cactus forest, providing food for the iguanas. As you follow the circular hiking trail you will come to the summit of the cliffs here where you'll be among countless nesting seabirds.
Interesting facts about A walk on South Plaza
Big colony of sea lions
Many species of nesting seabirds
Huge variety of wildlife on one small island
Only place known where marine and land iguana produce hybrids
Pictures of A walk on South Plaza
Possible Activities in A walk on South Plaza