Santa Fe Island, Galápagos
Home to two unique species
What you need to know about Santa Fe Island, Galápagos
Santa Fe is a small, flat island right in the center of the Galápagos archipelago, and is thought to be one of the oldest volcanoes here. Dating of the rocks below the water estimate they were formed almost 4 million years ago.
Santa Fe had it's own breed of Giant Tortoise that became extinct at some point in the 1800s due to being hunted for meat. There are two species that are unique to the island still present here - the Santa Fe Land Iguana, and the Santa Fe Rice Rat.
The Santa Fe iguanas live in the giant Opuntia forest that grows densley in the interior, and they feed on the fleshy parts of this cactus. Among other species common on Santa Fe are Galápagos Hawks, Darwin's Finches, and Galápagos Mockingbirds. Galápagos Sea Lions and Galápagos Sharks are often seen off the eastern coast.
Interesting facts about Santa Fe
Santa Fe is currently free of invasive rats. These are the biggest threat to the endemic Rice Rat
Santa Fe has one of the most beautiful and sheltered coves in the Galápagos
If you are lucky you may catch a glimpse of a Galápagos Snake, rarely seen on Santa Fe
There are several colonies of Galápagos Sea Lions on the beaches around Santa Fe