Flight from Baltra AV1633
operated by Avianca
Information about Flight from Baltra AV1633
Please check whether flights are included in the price of your chosen cruise itinerary. If not, ask your Galapatours adviser for a quote - we work with all the airlines who fly to the islands, and we also offer complimentary transfers to and from airport and vessel when you book through us. An added advantage is that we can make sure all clients for the same cruise are on the same flights. This means you will spend less time waiting at the airport for other arrivals.
Baggage Allowance: 23kg (50lb), more info
Flight time: Around 4 hours total. There is a short stopover in Guayaquil on the way from Galápagos to Quito.
Departure and Arrival times: Subject to change, please check in advance.