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What length of Galapagos cruise itinerary should I choose?

One of our clients' most frequently asked questions

What length of Galápagos cruise itinerary should I choose?

What length of Galápagos cruise itinerary should I choose?

We make sure that all Galapatours cruises, whatever their length, will give you a fantastic experience of the Galapagos islands, their unique wildlife and incredible habitats.

However, if you are planning a trip to Galapagos as your sole destination, then we really recommend choosing an 8 to 15 day itinerary for your cruise. Because of the longer time available, a cruise of this length will typically allow you visit up to three times as many islands and visitor sites as a shorter trip.

If you have a particular interest in bird or marine life, Galapagos ecology, evolution in action, and so on, then a longer cruise will allow you to fully indulge in your passions and interests. You may find that a shorter Galapagos cruise doesn't give you enough time to experience all that you can in the archipelago, and you may end up missing out of particular species or habitats that you hoped to see.

If you are visiting Galapagos as part of a wider South American trip, or you aren't worried about seeing everything you possibly can, then shorter 4 to 6 day itineraries may be ideal for you. These cruises will still give you an amazing introduction to the marvels Galapagos has to offer, and these shorter cruises can be better for families traveling with younger children, who may find longer periods on a boat a little restricting.

Please remember though that the cost of return flights to Galapagos and the $100 per head National Park entry fee will remain the same price, whether you are staying for 4 nights, or 15!

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