What impact does El Niño have on the weather in Galapagos?
One of our most frequently asked question
What impact does El Niño have on the weather in Galapagos?
During some years, the infrequent El Niño weather effect may cause a much greater flow of warmer water, increasing the surface temperature and provoking increased rainfall. During this period, the islands will be full of life, lush and green. It's fantastic for the land animals. On the other hand, the long term effects of increased El Nino events is harming the marine life, as algae die in the warm water because it contains fewer nutrients than colder water. Did you know that Algae are the sole food source for Marina Iguanas?
The El Nino from 1997 hit the marine iguana population hard, but luckily they have recovered from the decimation. Many other species suffered during this period and are still recovering. Scientists quote that this weather phenomenon may appear every five to seven years but it can't be predicted when exactly we might expect the next one to affect the weather in Galapagos.