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Are there ATM machines in Galápagos? What are the banking hours in Galápagos?

One of our clients' most frequently asked questions

Are there ATM machines in Galapagos? What are banking hours in Galapagos?

Are there ATM machines in Galapagos? What are banking hours in Galapagos?

There are 2 banks with ATMs in Puerto Ayora on Santa Cruz island, and an additional ATM at the Proinsular supermarket.

In Puerto Baquerizo Moreno on San Cristóbal Island there is one bank with an ATM.

Most ATMs will limit your withdrawals to $300 per day.

Banking hours in Galapagos are 09:00 to 16:00, Monday to Friday.

Ask your Galapatours guide for assistance in locating a bank or ATM if you need one.

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